5 tips for shopping online


Some swear by it, others are deeply suspicious of it … but online shopping is becoming more and more popular and allows for winning purchases. Here are 5 practical tips to get started and some suggestions for web destinations for our next shopping trip.

1. Subscribe to newsletters

Most of our favorite stores have their own website where you can subscribe to a mailing list by providing our email address. Our favorite fashion destination will be able to send us its promotions every week, allowing us to take advantage of sales in store or online. We pay particular attention to free shipping specials, which allow good savings.

2. Check the origin of the shipment

To avoid having unpleasant surprises when we receive our order, we inquire about the place of origin of the postal shipment that will be made in order to avoid paying customs duties upon receipt of the package. If you’ve had good deals on an online shopping site, it would be a shame to ruin everything with astronomical import fees. These days, you can find many companies which provide all the information about collection/delivery details of the shipment to enable its smooth tracking

3. Inquire about returns

You can never be 100% sure that the garment will fit. This is why we make sure that the site offers a return or exchange method, free or at low cost, to avoid ending up with a dress that is too big and shoes that are too small. For a wise purchase, we consult the clothing size scales, which allow us to determine the right size with the help of our measurements.

4. Visit the sales section

It is really the source of all happiness when entering a store: the sales section! But the best part is the online sales section, which is far more stocked than those in stores and which allows access to more sizes and colors than in the tiny discount areas of some stores.

5. Make safe choices

Clearly, not all online shopping sites are recommendable. Before making any purchase, we make sure that the online store is equipped with a secure system (normally, this is indicated at the bottom of the web page) and, in order to avoid having to provide our number credit card multiple times on the Internet, we choose a simple and secure method like PayPal . Creating a PayPal account takes seconds and allows you to shop online virtually anywhere, securely.

Exchanging gifts is a must on holiday evenings! A little guide to make sure everything is well planned.

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