Treatment of tooth decay


Tooth decay should be taken seriously

La carie dentaire est l’une des maladies les plus répandues dans le monde ! En effet, la majorité des adultes en ont déjà souffert et ont dû faire réparer leurs caries à l’aide d’une obturation. Bien que la carie dentaire soit une condition répandue, on ne doit pas pour autant la prendre à la légère, car elle peut avoir de fâcheuses conséquences pour la santé du sourire.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria on the surface of the teeth feed on the sugar in the food residues that remain inside our mouths. The bacteria then produce acids, which will directly attack the enamel of our teeth by forming small holes in it. This is how dental caries is born. If decay is not treated as soon as it appears, the enamel and other parts of the tooth will degrade, giving bacteria a chance to enter the heart of the affected tooth.

Thus, it is essential to visit your dentist regularly so that he can detect any tooth decay affecting your teeth, in order to repair your tooth with a filling. If this is not done on time, the damage could be more severe and you may need more complex care to protect the health of your teeth.

The stages of tooth decay and the care associated with it

To understand how cavities evolve, you should know that our teeth are made up of three main layers: enamel, dentin and dental pulp. Enamel is the visible white part of our teeth and it is the protective layer of our teeth which is very hard. Next, the dentin is located under the enamel and it represents the main mass of the tooth. Dentin is softer than enamel and has a yellowish color. In the center of the tooth is the dental pulp, which contains the nerves and blood vessels.

Thus, the treatment will be determined based on the parts of the tooth that are affected by decay.

The enamel is affected: at this stage, the decay will be asymptomatic and can only be detected by a dentist. A filling (filling) will normally suffice to stop its progression.
Dentin is affected: the tooth may then be more sensitive to heat and cold. You can see a brownish spot on the surface of the tooth. Often, cavities will only cause a few symptoms at this stage, and the tooth will not be particularly painful. In most cases, a filling will repair the latter.
The dental pulp is affected: since the pulp contains the nerves, there is a good chance that the tooth will be painful if it is affected by decay. The dentist will then need to perform a root canal treatment to remove the infected pulp and to prevent the spread of bacteria.
If the decay reaches the dental pulp and no treatment is undertaken, serious complications can occur, including the formation of a tooth abscess. The abscess is an infection that is at an advanced stage and can be very painful. In the worst cases, the infection can lead to necrosis of the dental nerve. You may have to extract the tooth and then have to replace it.

To avoid the complications associated with tooth decay, be sure to visit your Dentists at Les Espaces Sourires on a regular basis. They will be able to detect any tooth decay that could affect your smile to offer you the appropriate care without delay!

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